Safeguarding God’s People and Children

Episcopal Diocese of Tennessee LogoAs Christians, we at St. Paul’s are committed to supporting and caring for all. Part of that mission is making the sacred space of our church a welcoming and safe environment for all people. We strive to love and live up to the words of our baptismal covenant, remembering the final promise of that covenant: to “Strive for justice and peace among all people, and to respect the dignity of every human being.”

In order to educate and empower members of the church on policies and practices that support that mission, the 75th General Convention of the Episcopal Church passed resolution A156: Adopt Policies for Protection from Sexual Misconduct. The Church Pension Group was then asked to develop model policies and training to support the dioceses and congregations in providing a safe and welcoming environment that supports our baptismal covenant. These were recently updated, at the request of the 78th General Convention in Resolution A073: Update the Safeguarding Materials.

We here at St. Paul’s require that all clergy, lay staff, vestry members and volunteers take the Safeguarding Training in order to comply with the General Convention Resolutions, the policies of our diocese and to fulfill our Christian duty to each other and to all people.

If you are interested in this training and these materials, please contact our Safeguarding coordinator: Rev. Monna Mayhall – or fill out the online training request form.

Safeguarding God’s People and Children Registration Form

Work/Volunteer Status

Part-Time or Full-Time (Employees Only)

Program Type - Primary (Please Select One)

Program Type - Secondary


6 + 10 =

Reporting Procedures

If you have noticed demeaning, bullying, sexual misconduct or other inappropriate behavior by or towards adults or children from any volunteer, clergy, staff or parishioner, you can confidentially contact the Rector Rev. Rusty McCown, or Rev. Monna Mayhall.

At the diocesan level you can confidentially contact the Rev. Dr. Kristine Blaess.

What to do in the case of child sexual abuse.

Links about Safeguarding Training:

Church Pension Group:
Safeguarding Online
CPG Preventing Sexual Misconduct Overview 

Links to the Diocese of Tennessee website on Safeguarding:
EDTN Safeguarding Site
EDTN Safe Church
EDTN Training Requirements

Child Sexual Abuse – Policy of the Diocese of Tennessee, Page 19