St. Paul’s Food Pantries


St. Paul’s Ann Van Dervoort Food Pantry

St. Paul's Food Pantry

The St. Paul’s Ann Van Dervoort Food Pantry serves our members and friends who find themselves in need of non-perishable food items, personal hygiene products, and infant supplies. Anyone in need is welcome to benefit from the offerings of the Food Pantry by coming to the church office during office business hours.

To participate in donations, organizing, bagging items, and planning, contact: Debbie Whitlock. 


Food Pantry Needs

Regular Sized Items

Canned Beans/Dried
Canned Chicken
Canned Dinners*
Canned Fruit
Canned Tuna
Canned Vegetables
Diced Tomatoes
Oatmeal, Individual/boxed
Mac n’ Cheese
Rice/Rice a Roni
Pasta Sauce
Peanut Butter
Cake/Brownie Mix
Juice — Individual boxes or pouches
Dried Milk
Toilet Tissue

*Chef Boyardee and Chili

Free Little Pantry

Little Free Pantry - grab and go pantry for people in need

St. Paul’s Little Free Pantry is located in front of our Barnabas building at 506 Fair Street. The Little Free Pantry is stocked with non-perishable foods and travel size personal care items. The pantry is always open, and anyone in need can pick up food or personal care items. 

To participate in donations, organizing, bagging items, and planning, contact Ginna Campbell.

Little Free Pantry Needs

Sizes that can go in a backpack, ready-made items, grab-n-go

Beef Jerky
Summer Sausage and Pepperoni
Vienna Sausages
Cereal — Regular and Individual
Chef Boyardee — Regular and Individual
Hormel Dinners
Mac n’ Cheese — Individual packages or cups
Canned Chicken — In pouches or snack packs
Tuna/Salmon — In pouches or snack packs
Hearty Soups/Chili — Bowl or Package
Ramen Noodles — Bowl or Package
Rice a Roni cups
Canned beans
Applesauce Cups
Fruit Cups
Squirt Yogurt
Peanut Butter Crackers
Cheese Crackers
Granola Bars
Fruit Bars
Bottled Water
Juice — Individual boxes or pouches

Personal Care Bags
Individual size, travel size or hotel size works best

Wet wipes or any personal care wipes
Hand sanitizer
Small sunscreens
Feminine products – full size packaging
Plastic wrapped utensils
Toothbrush / Toothpaste
Shampoo / Conditioner
Body lotion
Lip Balm